Why do we fail to achieve our goals?

Mar 11, 2021

All of us have different goals to achieve in life, like health, financial, relationship, personal growth, and so on. What does it take to achieve these goals, and how can we fail proof our goals?

When it comes to setting and achieving our goals, everyone wants to hit their goals, nobody wants to fail at them. Most common reasons of failure to achieve goals:-

  • I don’t have time
  • I don’t know how to do it
  • Lack of commitment
  • Procrastination
  • Not learning from mistakes and failures
  • Not Planning things in advance
  • No clarity in setting goals
  • Set limited achievable goals
  • Self Doubt
  • Surrounding selves with mediocre people
  • Fear of success and/or failure
  • Focus on result instead of the progress
  • Make your goals exciting

If you are constantly failing at meeting your goals, or in the process of achieving your goals, there are few things you want to look at:
Between your goal and expected results, is a PROCESS.

Everyone has 24 hours a day and no matter what we do; we cannot create more time. Therefore, it is all about how we manage ourselves and how we manage our priorities. Everything that you ever wanted to accomplish has already been accomplished by someone else out there. All you need to do is to find the answer. Search on Google, read books, get a mentor, a coach, or seek help from those who have done it. Are you 100% committed to achieving your goals? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to reach your goals? Or you are just going to do what is easy and convenient? When you are committed, you will do whatever it takes, and failure is not an option. Even if you have to wake up at 5 AM or sleep at 3 AM, you’ll do it because you’re committed. Remember this: “You are what you do, not what you say you will do.”

The ultimate killer of your goals is to not take action. People procrastinate and delay working on their goals. Instead of working on their goals, they choose to do something else. They choose to listen to their feelings and emotions rather than their principles.
If you are all about your feelings and emotions, you will procrastinate. You need to live your life with principles, not feelings. Successful people have feelings too, but they learn to manage their feelings and control their emotions better than most people.

That is why they take action regardless of whether they feel like it or not.They know that if they want to be successful, they need to live their life with principles, and not let their feelings and emotions run their lives.

One of the keys to creating extraordinary results in life is to learn and keep improving from the results we get in life. Unfortunately, most people don’t do this. When they fail, they thought that they did not work hard enough. So they pour in more effort and time into it. So dare to try something new and do something different from time to time. Learn from your mistakes and keep improving. Achieving your goals is like building a house. You need a plan. You need a blueprint. Without having a plan, there is no way you achieve your goals because you simply don’t know what to do. And most people get it wrong by thinking all they need to do is to write down their goals. A goal without a plan is a mere wish. Be as clear and as specific with what you want. Nothing is impossible -Never let other people’s opinion become your reality. Choose to believe in yourself and do what you think is right. Follow your heart and chase your dreams. If you listen to people who say that it is impossible, or you should get a job in the post office because you don’t have good grades in school, you are living their expectations, not yours.

Don’t let other people define your life. You should be the one to choose how you want to live. So ignore the society. Don’t be the jack of all trades and master of none. Start to focus your energy and choose to work on your most important goal. I know that you have many goals to achieve, but you have to identify the most important one and concentrate all your effort to work on it. If you try to chase two rabbits at the same time, you will end up catching none. Hence, ask yourself right now, what is the most important goal that if you achieve it, it will have the biggest impact on your life? Focus and work on that goal right now. People are most motivated and driven in the beginning. They will only doubt themselves when they don’t see the results after some time down the road.

Stop. Have faith and trust yourself. Things will not happen overnight and you should focus on improving and taking more action. You have to be the first person in this world to say yes to your goals and your dreams. Nobody will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself.
Some people are afraid they will fail or, even worse, that they may actually succeed. As such, they don’t even bother trying to attain a goal. Such people lack belief in them and in their potential. In their mind, if they fail, everyone will think negatively of them. And if they succeed, people will be envious and think negatively of them. So it becomes a lose situation no matter how they look at it. But realize that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and your abilities and others will, too.

We often get distracted and switch from one thing to another. We say we want to lose weight, but after a few days, we get distracted and totally forget about the goal that we set. Never let this happen to you. This is why you need to consciously review your goals and think about what you want all the time. Create reminders so that you will never forget about what you want in the first place. When you don’t know how to do something, search for the solutions and ask for help. If you don’t have enough time, make time, and create a better schedule.

Everyone has 24 hours a day; it is not an excuse to say that we don’t have enough time, what about those who have made it then? Do you think they have enough time?

Always remember this saying:
“For ever reason it’s not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and succeeded.”-JACK CANFIELD

A commitment to the process is not possible without understanding that there are going to be ups and downs, there may be days when you fall off the track, failures, and so on. So, learn to fail, but also learn to learn from failures, and make changes in the process, instead of crying, wallowing in self pity, and staying stuck in victim mode.

Be ready for the transformation by changing your old habits to develop new habits.
To be able to stay committed to the process, there may be a need to develop new habits along the way. If you are not willing to adopt new habits, you are not committed enough, and if you are not committed enough, you may not reach your goal. For e.g. If your goal is to improve sleep, are you willing to cultivate the right habits for it?
Sometimes, our goals may completely change, or the process we were once committed to may completely change. Then what? Here is where you need to be flexible in your approach. There is a saying, “Be rigid about your goal, but flexible in your approach!”

Goal achievement doesn’t have to be an elusive target. You really can be whom you want and do what you want. By avoiding the mistakes that hinder people’s results, you can achieve any goal you set for yourself and reach new levels of personal and professional success.